Feel better.
Work better.

Emotions are complex.

 Mood helps you understand your feelings and tap into your best self.

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How Mood works

Emotions, made simple.


Name it.

Identify and label your emotion using color cues.


Frame it.

Understand the context of your emotion with AI.


Tame it.

Manage your emotion through psychological tools.

"Mood is on a mission to equip every organisation with the tools to enhance emotional intelligence and create a psychologically safe workplace."

Dr Nathan Jones
Founder of Mood

“We were up 50% after just one month.”

Joanna Williamson
Los Angeles Customer

Safety first.

Psychological safety at work is no longer a nice to have — it's a need to have. Why? Because psychological safety fosters an environment where employees feel secure enough to express themselves, leading to innovation, collaboration, and overall productivity. Understanding and managing emotions is the foundation for creating a psychologically safe workplace where everyone can thrive. It all starts with Mood.
Full spectrum.
Utilise colour-emotion associations for intuitive emotion tracking.
AI-driven insights.
Get rich affective data and predictive mood forecasts.
Personalised recourses.
Boost workplace EQ with videos, audio, and daily challenges.
We'd love to connect, and show you all the feels.
Book a demo